Sure, Christmas is "commercialized" but that's a damn excuse! That doesn't stop you from going out and doing something nice for someone else. Whether it be opening the door for people passing by, giving a friend a call that you haven't seen the past year, or even just making someone smile. It's that time of the year you put other's before yourself in hopes that you carry that through the new year. I love Christmas.
November was a terrific month and it just rolled into December and I dare say that this Christmas has been the best Christmas I've had. I started it off meeting with a bunch of friends and many of them are into their career's or have started a family and It's really cool to see everyone with this new found confidence as in you can tell that they've had some experiences and they've all matured in different ways. We're all growing up.


Before we get into Christmas Eve I MUST mention that my brother and his girlfriend, Becca, are now ENGAGED! It has definitely been a long time coming, they have been going out for almost a decade. For the past few years we have started going to Becca's house for Christmas Eve, before going to Christmas Eve service, and they've had the same awesome food every year; which is something I look forward too.

I knew when I was little the last thing I wanted to do was read, let alone read rules to a game. UGH...
This Christmas was particularly special since three cousins that we normally don't get to see brought they're families out. I can't remember when it was the last time we've all been together. Sure we were missing one cousin that went to Dublin but I guess that's a valid excuse. I just hope that it becomes a new Christmas tradition.
For all the awesome stuff that has happened, I'm ready to get back to LA to get some work done. I'm as motivated as ever; go big or go home.
I've officially pushing straight forward with the Lyft gig since I couldn't think of any other option that would allow me to have a flexible schedule as Lyft would allow me. I've been stalling to transfer everything to California but the more and more I think about it the more I know that this is the right decision. I'm on the final stretch to get my car insurance (thanks to everyone for your suggestions, it's really helped a lot), I have my title and the day after I get back I have an appointment at the DMV to get my car registered or at least find out where I can register my car. Hopefully I'll have that all done before New Years hit's so I can work that night.
I also am almost done with my demo reel. I really need one or two more different scenes for me to post it online before I start fully committing to submitting myself for auditions. See you soon LA.