In the past week I have acquired 3 phone numbers. You must also be thinking, "Don you're not going to be in Colorado for that long, why even look?" and my answer to that is, "you never know, you pessimistic prick... just kidding, but seriously". I'll be giving a full summary of my past week and throw in each "encounter" as they come up chronologically but you should know upfront, these are not love stories.

As the day at work was coming to an end I was transferred across the hall to retail since I hadn't had the experience yet. I thought, "there goes my chance to see Argentina Girl" but as I was restocking merchandise in the store I turned around and there she was! We spoke with each other for a little bit until my boss came in and then she lost interest and left. My boss immediately apologized for his unintentional cock block.
As we were closing I was sent off to pick up carts outside that guest's had taken to move their skis to and from their cars. As I was stacking these carts there she was! I spoke with her and immediately asked if I could call her sometime. Unfortunately when I dialed it into my phone I forgot to save it. #DonDumb
The next night though was Wednesday Ladies Night and I was psyched because I didn't know of any other place I could go out to dance. I went out with a bunch of the guys and Brooke. It felt like old times. The night was great but most of what went on was more "you had to be there" kind of moments. Anyway, 12:20am rolled around and Brooke was leaving and was rallying the troops but I decided to ditch them and wait for the 1:30am bus to hang out with some of the other guys at the bar and that's when it happened. I saw this cute girl next to me, let's call her Ladies Night Girl. I never saw her before but opened with this line, "don't you work at Copper?" That prompted her to start talking about how she was from the midwest and then we found that "connection". She asked for my number and said she would give me a call if she was ever in town. Before she left she said, "My boyfriend and I will probably make it out there soon." Terrific... Well I guess new friends?
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The tubing hill. |
We then took the bus to the sushi place and our group got separated somehow but I bought Dillon and I a shot and then left back to the Edge to see if I could find everyone else. I then ran into Brooke and they were on their way to a hot tube at one of the local hotels. It was an amazing site. The hot tube was outside with a clear sky overlooking the snow peaked mountains and that ended my Friday night.
Saturday was the real start of hell at work! It was just mega busy where we had people from other departments come and help due to the surplus of people for the holiday weekend. I was on boot duty with a man named Ben. I believe he is from Australia so I instantly found talking to him interesting. He got boots for one girl that said she fit in a kids size 2 shoe but she was at least 5 feet tall, It was crazy! Let's call her Fun Size Girl. I ended up teching her skis for her. I won't lie, I wanted to give her adult skis since she was technically a woman and she was tall enough to have them. As I was trying to fit her boot in the ski I realized that the adjustable ski couldn't get that small in boot size and I already rented the skis out to her! I had to get her new paper work but I was adamant about getting her adult skis so I got her another pair of skis but same thing went wrong. I'm seriously running all over the place because I had to run to get new skis and new paper work. The only reason I was happy doing it because she was joking around with me throughout the entire process. I know somewhere in that conversation we talked about her difficulty in finding shoes and how she wondered how stilettos felt and I had to tell her I hope she doesn't ever get that feeling because that means they make stilettos for children. Finally, on the 3rd try I got skis to fit her boots. They were girls polka dotted skis, they were adorable and she swore to me that she would rock them.
First run in Colorado. |
The next night I decided to go on my first run at Copper because I just felt great and I needed to start running again. It was after work and snowing. As you can see it was a padded down path of nice snow cushioning my strides as I glided through. I stopped to take one photo with an actual camera this time. It was beautiful out and I forgot how awesome it is to run in the snow while it was actually snowing. The only bad part is that my quads are on fire due to the hilly terrain.
After my run I decided to give Fun Size Girl a call but her voice message box wasn't set up yet so I resorted to texting her instead. We had a nice little text message conversation but at the end of our conversation she wanted to let me know that she's seeing someone and didn't want to lead me on but is up for making new friends. I did appreciate the immediate honesty. Unfortunately, it is what it is.
So for all those keeping score at home that's 0 - 3.
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Life at the Edge: challenge accepted. |
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Sunday's we get Jesus cookies from church people that walk around. |
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Who are you going to call? |
Let me just say that since leaving ISU you have definitely been living a very random and spontaneous life. I enjoyed reading about your "not love stories" almost as much as I enjoyed this final photo hahaha. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading Kristen!