The drive out to Colorado was painful but that was my own fault. I received 3 hours of sleep the night before with 14 hours of driving ahead of me. I was just WAY into writing that first blog! As I started my drive it was alright, the adrenaline kept me awake for the first 2-3 hours but then I started drowsing off. I decided to exit and take a nap at a rest stop. Nevada was just a terrible drive for me but as soon as I got into Arizona I at least had something to look at, but still drowsy. I figured out that the music was putting me to sleep so for the last 7-10 hours of my drive it was completely quiet.

Fortunately, Utah is probably my favorite state to drive through and I made plenty of stops to look around and take pictures and some with my friend Domo. I met some people at a stop taking pictures that were driving out from LA and left around the same time as I. They took my “anything is possible!” picture and I was off again. I initially planned on stopping in Arches National Park in Utah but soon decided against it due to my fatigue. when I finally made it to Colorado it was just gorgeous, so much snow and beautiful sites to see.
At Copper Mountain I was welcomed by Brooke and I could barely stay awake going to her room so I made some updates on the facebook and then passed out. I heard I missed a pretty epic night at the bars that Monday night unfortunately.
The next morning I wasn't feeling too well from the day before so I was glad that it was still pretty relaxed. The highlight of the night was meeting Mike and Carol who will soon be celebrating their 30 year anniversary! They are originally from Arlington Heights, IL and they told me about some of their experiences and things I NEEDED to go see, such as the Beach Blanket Babylon in San Francisco. Carol has worked at the mountain for the past 14 years as a bartender and Mike runs his own plumbing company. These people are GREAT and they have experienced a lot and have traveled whenever they have gotten the chance.
Yesterday I also got a mini tour of Copper and I'm really excited to start working, get into my own “dorm” style room and be a ski bum for at least the next month. Today I have my interview to work in rentals, so wish me luck.
Don out.
Don out.
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