It has been exactly one week since I arrived here at Copper Mountain, CO. Wednesday night I had my phone interview. Thursday morning I started work. Yesterday was my first time snowboarding EVER!
I have decided that this blog entry will just be a bunch of pictures with blurbs so you may see the beauty I see everyday, It's just breathtaking living here in Colorado.
My Walk to work every morning |

It has been snowing nonstop since I arrived. In the pictures it may not look like it's snowing, but it is. The picture to the left you can see 3 men on a roof shoveling snow off the rooftop. The picture to the right you can see me waxing ski's. I have been fixing customer ski's/boards all week and I talk to them as if I have so much experience.
Everyone at work is awesome and whenever customers bring their rented equipment in we have impromptu snowball fights in the store. There are feuds brewing daily and you never know when someone will strike next. I'm learning much in snowball warfare. Soon I will have to choose sides before I have no allies.
My first run: Green Acres. |

Green Acre's was a nice easy run for my first time to ride. I jumped onto a snowboarding lesson during my "ride break" (Yes, at work you have a choice to either take a lunch break or a extra long break so you can get some runs in for the day) and in the class there were two others and Ironically I fixed up their boards for them. Yep, they were super surprised that this would be my first time boarding. Today though I decided to try a green run and be a little more adventurous and test my "limits". I fell a lot especially on my first ride down the mountain (I counted like 10 times?). The chair lift at Green Acres was super short so my expectations for green runs (beginner level) were the same. Instead of a 1 minute lift like Green Acres, the Union Creek lift took at least 5 minutes to get to the end and ran MUCH faster. To the left you can see the Union Creek lift. To the right I take a picture after a wipe out because... DAYYYYYAMNNNN. I'm just waiting for my first big air to automatically make me awesome and to take on some Sky's.
First time seeing the sun hit the mountains and yes it was snowing where we were. |
My roommate Ryan on our way home from work today. |
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