Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Episode 33: Marathon #4 LAM

This is my 4th marathon and my 2nd within 4 months. I ran CIM in December and I wanted to qualify for Boston but I was injured the 3 weeks leading up to that marathon but I definitely wasn't ready to hit the mark of under 3 hours. BUT that didn't not stop me from trying.  I went out in the first 3 miles under 7 minute mile pace and I slowly faded till the half marathon at 1:39 and that's when I decided to shut it down and try my luck at LA Marathon.

My training was more consistent but I never got the speed I wanted. I ended up hitting a 70 mile week 6 weeks out from LAM so I decide to take the next week super easy and did strength training. Ironically the strength training ended up flaring my knee with what appeared to be the same injury before CIM. I decide to take a 2 week break but I still feel hurt so I see a friend about my knee and find out that it was runners knee and he gave me some exercises to help.  The pain subsided but my knee is still super sour and weak in the leading weeks before the marathon.  The goal for LA was now to PR and finish.  My first two marathons I did not properly train for them.  I really just ran them so my PR was 3:51:36. Here is the break down of my race: 

Pre-race it was nice finding some familiar faces from Koreatown Run Club for me to relax and talk with before the race started. I lined up with the 4 hour 40 minute pace group because that was the farthest up I could get.

MILE 18:26
At the start of the race I found myself weaving in and out trying to find an opening to faster pace groups. Mainly to find the 3:30 pace group. During this time I packed up with KRC runners. I also ended up taking a 2 minute break to pee before mile 2. I didn't find the 3:30 pace group but I felt myself at a comfortable pace that wasn't too slow so I held that. ALSO Found Lu running along side me on the sidewalk during this stretch!
MILE 27:43
MILE 38:03
MILE 47:30Got a little excited this mile. 💋
MILE 57:54
At the start of mile 5 I saw my split for mile 4 and knew I needed to settle down. During this stretch I was just trying to enjoy the race and running with acquaintances from KRC was nice which helped with my pacing during this time.
MILE 67:54
MILE 77:42
MILE 87:49
MILE 97:57
MILE 107:44
MILE 117:38
MILE 127:41THE VASELINE THAT SAVED LIVES. At this point I was feeling the need to reapply some Vaseline and this women had a poster of it so I slapped her poster and applied it immediately. No shame. I hit a second wind. Also popped two Advil.
MILE 137:50
This is where I caught the 3:30 pace group and it brought me to a crossroads. Do I stick with them? or push it? I felt confortable so I decided to go a little faster.
MILE 147:51
MILE 157:23
Here I feel strong but I still knew the goal was to finish. Once I pass mile 18 I get worried about how down hill it is since from mile 18 - 22 it'll be a there and back meaning what I see at mile marker 18-19 will be the finish of the race. I catch the 3:20 pacer.
MILE 167:41
MILE 177:54
MILE 187:37
MILE 197:47
MILE 207:54
Mile 20 & 21 were the problem. There was a slight incline for these two miles and it was probably the least populated with spectators. I start to really feeling the pain of the end.
MILE 218:22
MILE 227:58
Mile 22 is when we started seeing loads of spectators and finally I saw the Bravo zone with KRC. It was cool seeing the turnout but unfortunately I didn't really know anyone there and I wasn't wearing a KRC singlet to get any big cheers. Once Mile 23 began was the turn around and fortunately it was a subtle downhill to mile 25. I used this to recharge for the finish.
MILE 238:09
MILE 248:08
MILE 257:46
For the last two miles I knew if I started walking that would end me so I did everything in my power to keep running. At the start of mile 25 I start getting all of this pain on the outside of my left foot. I feel like it was going to break so I had to change my running form to alleviate the pain. I now believe the problem is peroneal tendonitis.
MILE 267:57
FINISH3:28:24I didn't cramp or walk for the entire run but I did almost cramp at the very end because when I saw that finish line I started to try to really push it and my body said "no". I'm so proud of myself for finishing this one. I showed myself how much grit I have and that I can still perform under the circumstances I was in for this race.

I realized that the 3:20 and 3:30 pacers were around 10 minutes off their marks since I finished with the 3:20 pacer. 

I only stopped at around mile 2 to pee but otherwise I ran the whole way and I didn't cramp. At every water station I made sure to try to take 2 big gulps of water while running past any water station so I'm sure that tributed to me not cramping during the run.

Looking at today Wednesday 3/20 I'm feeling some sourness but I'm oddly able to run and move pretty well.  I think these are just good signs that I can do more. Looking at my mile splits I'm pretty even throughout my entire run.  I'll continue to aim for sub 3 hours but for now I don't have any marathon plans for the future... yet.

Right now I'll continue to find my joy in running, eat properly, and try to build up my speed. 



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